1- It should be simple
2- It must be legible
3- Clarity
4- It must be compact
5- Choose the right colour or colours
6- It must be original
7- Versatility
8- Enduring
9- Homogeneous
10- Ethical, Moral, Truthful
1- It must be SIMPLE
Simple shapes and few colours, do not mix more than two colours, unless it is an innovative company like google. It must be able to capture its essence in seconds.
2- It must be LEGIBLE
Easy to read fonts at any distance and personalised.
3- It must be CLEAR
Through clarity it should tell the story of the company, its activities and bring you closer to its philosophy and policies.
4- It must be COMPACT
The elements that make up the logo must give a sense of unity, such as typography, graphics and colours.
5- It must have the APPROPRIATE COLOURS.
It must be versatile when it comes to its application and that is why it must be compatible with a 1-ink finish or on any type of material.
6- It must be ORIGINAL
The logo must provide something new and be different from anything seen so far, so that its impact will be greater and it will quickly become popular.
7- It must be VERSATILE
It must look good in all types of printed and digital material, shapes and sizes.
8- It must be ENDURING
You should not be swayed by trends. The design must be simple so that it does not go out of fashion in many years.
9- It must be HOMOGENEOUS
Create a brand and all its possible applications so that the whole is coherent whatever its application in different media.
You must be consistent with the image you are going to transmit. Reflect your philosophy and origins. Do not deceive by trying to appear what you are not or what you cannot offer.
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